sábado, 19 de enero de 2013
Ah, God. I can't believe how happy I feel right now :D
Youth group was awesome today! Funny thing is, I was in charge of giving the message. I showed them a video, though. An AMAZING, EPIC video that impacted me so freakin' much the first time I watched it, and has the same effect over.and.over.again.
I showed them Kim Walker's testimony. You know, Kim Walker, from Jesus Culture. That amazing woman. I love her so much and I don't even know her. I love her laughter, I love the joy she transmits!
I was a little afraid of showing them that video, I must confess. She speaks of some visions of Jesus she had, and just epic and incredible things she experienced. I was afraid some people wouldn't like that. No one complained, though :) Ya know, I've never gotten to that level, I've never experienced Jesus the way she says she has, but that only makes me want more. I won't give up, I'll keep fighting for more and more of Jesus in my life. Some people might not believe her, but WHAT IF IT'S TRUE?! I don't wanna stay here, not knowing. I mean, I'm another human being, just like her. God is there, available for me. It's just up to me to make our relationship grow and get deeper. It's up to me!!! askjdkfhj
Well... I can't believe I feel this way right now. It could only be you, Jesus. I mean, I talked on the microphone, I prayed, but none of that makes me feel 'good'. I'm nothing, you're everything. I just shared what's in my heart. And that prayer, it was so honest. I mean, I completely forgot about the people listening, I just talked to you, God. I just desperately asked you for more of you in us. I just want you to make us love prayer and love Your Word. And that's what I said up there. I mean, 'accepting you' in our hearts is just the first step! We're not supposed to just do that and stay there forever! No freakin' way! You want so much more from us!
I'm just so overwhelmed. And the new couple at church. Oh man. There's a new couple at church, the guy used to go there before he got married, actually. But his girlfriend was from another church so he moved there, and now that they're married and have a baby, they decided to start coming here again. Oh God. About that, all I've got to say is THANK YOU GOD. They are SUCH a blessing! I can't believe how wonderful they are! They lead worship. They both sing :) and I can just stay that Jesús les sale por los poros. A.MA.ZING. I love them! lol. Today was the first time I had a proper conversation with them, after the service was over... and they're like my dream come true. I mean... I've always complained about how much I dislike when people get out of the temple and it's as if they completely forget what was said there, and they start talking about superficial things again. It's like "ok, the service is over, we don't need to be talking about God anymore, let's talk about life, let's talk about reality". Something like that! But well... I was sitting next to a friend, just talking... and then they came, said hi, said what a blessing the video had been to them... and then they kept talking about... you're right, GOD! Like, they kept mentioning him, they kept just talking about him, normally. On the inside I was like asdfjfkjgk!!! On the outside, I was like ---> :D I told them I was really happy they came to our church and that they're a huge blessing!!!
You know, the girl has a woooonderful voice. And she's nice and humble! That's the amazing thing! Most girls who sing well, usually think they're celebrities and are not humble at all. A girl I know is like that, anyway. She doesn't even say hello to people. So ridiculous to be singing to God and not even acknowledging your brothers and sisters in Christ just a few minutes later. I see no coherence at all!!!
Anyway, this girl is different!!! She is soooo nice and friendly and happy and smiley! And the guy, her husband, well, he's a little more serious but asdkjfdljf it's like Jesus is written all over their face! I love them. Have I said that yet? haha. 'cause I do. I hope they stay forever!!! And I hope the Jesus fever they have gets contagious! I mean, I know it will. I just can't wait to see it spread! :) As for me, I'm in the process. I'm in this beautiful process of just getting closer and closer to you, God. And it's wonderful. I'm so happy. I love you! I can't believe how much you love me! I'm still so happy, this is your joy! Thank you so much. I wanna see you written in all our faces, I wanna see the youth completely devoted to you, God. And here I am, to help in any way I can. I just wanna shine for you! :)
Youth group was awesome today! Funny thing is, I was in charge of giving the message. I showed them a video, though. An AMAZING, EPIC video that impacted me so freakin' much the first time I watched it, and has the same effect over.and.over.again.
I showed them Kim Walker's testimony. You know, Kim Walker, from Jesus Culture. That amazing woman. I love her so much and I don't even know her. I love her laughter, I love the joy she transmits!
I was a little afraid of showing them that video, I must confess. She speaks of some visions of Jesus she had, and just epic and incredible things she experienced. I was afraid some people wouldn't like that. No one complained, though :) Ya know, I've never gotten to that level, I've never experienced Jesus the way she says she has, but that only makes me want more. I won't give up, I'll keep fighting for more and more of Jesus in my life. Some people might not believe her, but WHAT IF IT'S TRUE?! I don't wanna stay here, not knowing. I mean, I'm another human being, just like her. God is there, available for me. It's just up to me to make our relationship grow and get deeper. It's up to me!!! askjdkfhj
Well... I can't believe I feel this way right now. It could only be you, Jesus. I mean, I talked on the microphone, I prayed, but none of that makes me feel 'good'. I'm nothing, you're everything. I just shared what's in my heart. And that prayer, it was so honest. I mean, I completely forgot about the people listening, I just talked to you, God. I just desperately asked you for more of you in us. I just want you to make us love prayer and love Your Word. And that's what I said up there. I mean, 'accepting you' in our hearts is just the first step! We're not supposed to just do that and stay there forever! No freakin' way! You want so much more from us!
I'm just so overwhelmed. And the new couple at church. Oh man. There's a new couple at church, the guy used to go there before he got married, actually. But his girlfriend was from another church so he moved there, and now that they're married and have a baby, they decided to start coming here again. Oh God. About that, all I've got to say is THANK YOU GOD. They are SUCH a blessing! I can't believe how wonderful they are! They lead worship. They both sing :) and I can just stay that Jesús les sale por los poros. A.MA.ZING. I love them! lol. Today was the first time I had a proper conversation with them, after the service was over... and they're like my dream come true. I mean... I've always complained about how much I dislike when people get out of the temple and it's as if they completely forget what was said there, and they start talking about superficial things again. It's like "ok, the service is over, we don't need to be talking about God anymore, let's talk about life, let's talk about reality". Something like that! But well... I was sitting next to a friend, just talking... and then they came, said hi, said what a blessing the video had been to them... and then they kept talking about... you're right, GOD! Like, they kept mentioning him, they kept just talking about him, normally. On the inside I was like asdfjfkjgk!!! On the outside, I was like ---> :D I told them I was really happy they came to our church and that they're a huge blessing!!!
You know, the girl has a woooonderful voice. And she's nice and humble! That's the amazing thing! Most girls who sing well, usually think they're celebrities and are not humble at all. A girl I know is like that, anyway. She doesn't even say hello to people. So ridiculous to be singing to God and not even acknowledging your brothers and sisters in Christ just a few minutes later. I see no coherence at all!!!
Anyway, this girl is different!!! She is soooo nice and friendly and happy and smiley! And the guy, her husband, well, he's a little more serious but asdkjfdljf it's like Jesus is written all over their face! I love them. Have I said that yet? haha. 'cause I do. I hope they stay forever!!! And I hope the Jesus fever they have gets contagious! I mean, I know it will. I just can't wait to see it spread! :) As for me, I'm in the process. I'm in this beautiful process of just getting closer and closer to you, God. And it's wonderful. I'm so happy. I love you! I can't believe how much you love me! I'm still so happy, this is your joy! Thank you so much. I wanna see you written in all our faces, I wanna see the youth completely devoted to you, God. And here I am, to help in any way I can. I just wanna shine for you! :)
viernes, 18 de enero de 2013
jueves, 17 de enero de 2013
Hace unos meses me crucé con este pastor en youtube, y me cayó muy bien. Vi unos videos donde hablaba sobre como orar para situaciones específicas, y también hablaba de que tenía un libro llamado Pray Big. En realidad, en sus videos habla sobre muchos de los temas que toca en el libro, por eso me dieron más ganas de leerlo. Apenas pueda, lo voy a comprar :3
Después encontré esto, que es una entrevista que le hicieron en un programa de TV. Recién terminé de verla, y lo único que puedo decir es que me encanta. Tiene toda mi admiración, y aunque él dice que no es nada especial (lo cual sólo hace que sea más especial) es ejemplar y se nota que vive lo que predica, lo cual es realmente digno de admiración. y algunos pensarán, bueno, es pastor, es su obligación ser así, o toda su vida fue así, o a su alrededor hay gente como él, o blabla, pero... yo CREO que yo, o cualquier persona que realmente lo quiera, puede llegar a ser así. Cualquiera puede llegar a ese nivel de cercanía con Dios, porque Dios siempre está ahí disponible para nosotros. Somos nosotros los que nos alejamos. En fin, disfruten de la entrevista! (no tiene subtitulos, sorry)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
lunes, 14 de enero de 2013
las cosas que importan
1. qué.haría.yo.sin.personas.que.me.digan.las.cosas.en.la.cara.
estoy inmensamente agradecida por esas personas que me quieren y quieren lo mejor para mí, y tienen sabiduría de Dios y no tienen miedo de que me ofenda o enoje.
aunque duela, es lo que necesito.
Los verdaderos amigos te apuñalan en la cara.
2. amo mucho a mi sobrinita y a mis sobrinitos. like, muuuuucho. y me dan unas gaaaanas de tener los míos propios ya. me da un no sé qué pensar en cuando tenga mis hijitos y lo amados que van a ser ❤
tipo, voy a rebosar de amor. can't wait.
estoy inmensamente agradecida por esas personas que me quieren y quieren lo mejor para mí, y tienen sabiduría de Dios y no tienen miedo de que me ofenda o enoje.
aunque duela, es lo que necesito.
Los verdaderos amigos te apuñalan en la cara.
2. amo mucho a mi sobrinita y a mis sobrinitos. like, muuuuucho. y me dan unas gaaaanas de tener los míos propios ya. me da un no sé qué pensar en cuando tenga mis hijitos y lo amados que van a ser ❤
tipo, voy a rebosar de amor. can't wait.
domingo, 13 de enero de 2013
viernes, 11 de enero de 2013
sólo quería decir algunas cositas.
1) quiero mucho a mi auto, digan lo que digan. estoy muuuy agradecida por tener un auto, aunque sea viejito. sé que con el tiempo voy a poder ir progresando y podré tener algo mejor, pero por ahora estoy contenta con lo que tengo :)
me acuerdo de mi vida A.A. (antes de mi auto) capaz parezca que exagero, pero sí o sí me ponía de mal humor viajar en colectivo (especialmente cuando iba lleno), tener que salir re temprano para llegar a tiempo, caminar muchas cuadras bajo el sol calcinante, y esas cosas... que no te pare el colectivo y llegar tarde... afjkdkfjdj ya me estoy por enojar con sólo recordarlo (?)
bueno, en fin... es una gran bendición tener a mi autito. eso. :)
2) mi mamá es taaaaan sociable. no es que me disguste del todo, pero es muy diferente a mí, entonces como que me choca un poco. y no me refiero a que hable mucho mi mamá, sino que le gusta saludar a todo el mundo, abrazar a todo el mundo, acercarse a las personas y darles un abrazo y una sonrisa... la verdad que admiro eso de ella. a mí también me gusta ser amable pero soy más cerrada, no soy de las que va y saluda a todo el mundo -literalmente, a todas las personas presentes- (a no ser que me sienta muuuuy cómoda con el grupo de personas). en fin... obviamente heredé mi lack of social skills de otro lado xD
pero, lo que quiero decir es que me gusta como es mi mamá, aunque a veces me desespera un poco. me gusta que sea así porque a ella le hace feliz ser así y le sale naturalmente. :B
3) el lema de este año en la iglesia es "Es necesario que él crezca, y que yo disminuya." (Juan 3:30) y a pesar de cualquier decisión loca que pueda llegar a tomar, no me voy a olvidar de eso. es lo que quiero. y tendrán que entender eso.
y siento que hay un gran signo de interrogación en lo que vendrá, no tengo idea de nada, pero quiero lo que Él quiera para mí. no voy a desobedecer. no quiero arruinar todo.
"The future is a question mark
of kerosene and electric sparks
There's still fire in you, yet
Yeah there's still fire in you!"
(Burn Out Bright - Switchfoot)
"The end is uncertain
And I've never been so afraid
But I don't need a telescope
To see that there's hope
And that makes me feel brave."
(Tidal Wave - Owl City)
1) quiero mucho a mi auto, digan lo que digan. estoy muuuy agradecida por tener un auto, aunque sea viejito. sé que con el tiempo voy a poder ir progresando y podré tener algo mejor, pero por ahora estoy contenta con lo que tengo :)
me acuerdo de mi vida A.A. (antes de mi auto) capaz parezca que exagero, pero sí o sí me ponía de mal humor viajar en colectivo (especialmente cuando iba lleno), tener que salir re temprano para llegar a tiempo, caminar muchas cuadras bajo el sol calcinante, y esas cosas... que no te pare el colectivo y llegar tarde... afjkdkfjdj ya me estoy por enojar con sólo recordarlo (?)
bueno, en fin... es una gran bendición tener a mi autito. eso. :)
2) mi mamá es taaaaan sociable. no es que me disguste del todo, pero es muy diferente a mí, entonces como que me choca un poco. y no me refiero a que hable mucho mi mamá, sino que le gusta saludar a todo el mundo, abrazar a todo el mundo, acercarse a las personas y darles un abrazo y una sonrisa... la verdad que admiro eso de ella. a mí también me gusta ser amable pero soy más cerrada, no soy de las que va y saluda a todo el mundo -literalmente, a todas las personas presentes- (a no ser que me sienta muuuuy cómoda con el grupo de personas). en fin... obviamente heredé mi lack of social skills de otro lado xD
pero, lo que quiero decir es que me gusta como es mi mamá, aunque a veces me desespera un poco. me gusta que sea así porque a ella le hace feliz ser así y le sale naturalmente. :B
3) el lema de este año en la iglesia es "Es necesario que él crezca, y que yo disminuya." (Juan 3:30) y a pesar de cualquier decisión loca que pueda llegar a tomar, no me voy a olvidar de eso. es lo que quiero. y tendrán que entender eso.
y siento que hay un gran signo de interrogación en lo que vendrá, no tengo idea de nada, pero quiero lo que Él quiera para mí. no voy a desobedecer. no quiero arruinar todo.
"The future is a question mark
of kerosene and electric sparks
There's still fire in you, yet
Yeah there's still fire in you!"
(Burn Out Bright - Switchfoot)
"The end is uncertain
And I've never been so afraid
But I don't need a telescope
To see that there's hope
And that makes me feel brave."
(Tidal Wave - Owl City)
lunes, 7 de enero de 2013
miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013
because I miss this about myspace
A. WHY MY LAST RELATIONSHIP ENDED. because I wasn't in love- B. FAVORITE BAND. right this moment... Relient K (just 'cause I'm listening to them)
- C. WHO I LIKE AND WHY I LIKE THEM. I like him because he's a beautiful person.
- D. HARDEST THING I’VE EVER BEEN THROUGH. thank God I haven't been through anything really hard... but probably the hardest was still liking someone who stopped liking me. Really dumb if you ask me. I mean, I know there are worse things.
- E. MY BEST FRIEND. right now... Paty, Vio and Diana. and Mariana. and my mom.
- F. MY FAVORITE MOVIE. pff. I don't know.
- J. WHAT I WANT TO BE WHEN I GET OLDER. still trying to figure that out. a history maker :)
- L. ONE OF MY INSECURITIES. not finding 'the one'. although I know I don't need to worry.
- M. VIRGIN OR NOT? what do you think?
- P. WHY I HATE SCHOOL. Because. I'm normal.
- Q. RELATIONSHIP STATUS AS OF RIGHT NOW. Single...ish. nah, single.
- R. FAVOURITE SONG AT THE MOMENT. The Stand - Hillsong United and Take Heart also by them
- S. A RANDOM FACT ABOUT MYSELF. I feel I'm so weird 'cause I enjoy being by myself so much
- T. AGE I GET MISTAKEN FOR. Sometimes they think I'm older, sometimes younger. So I don't really know.
- U. WHERE I WANT TO BE RIGHT NOW. seriously? Heaven
- V. LAST TIME I CRIED. Yesterday
- X. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF (…)? if..?
- Y. DO YOU WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE. I already went. Eventually I'd like to go again, I think.
- Z. HOW ARE YOU. I'm fine.
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